The Impact of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth and Yield of Palak (Indian Spinach)

Mahima Vishwakarma *

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences, Mhow, Indore (M.P.), India.

Megha Vishwakarma Rohit Chauhan

Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (M.P.), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Integrated nutrient management system is an alternative system for the sustainable and cost-effective management of soil fertility by combined apply of inorganic with organic materials resulting in rising soil fertility and productivity without affecting environment. Keeping in this view the present investigation was carried out at Polyhouse of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar university of social science Mhow, Indore (M.P.) during 2022 to study “The impact of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of Palak (Indian Spinach)”. Experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with 4 replications. The experiment comprised of 6 treatments i.e. T1 (75% RDF through inorganic fertilizers + 25% RDF through VC), T2 (75% RDF + 25% RDF through FYM), T3 (50% RDF + 50% RDF through VC), T4 (50% RDF + 50% RDF through FYM), T5 (100% RDF only inorganic), T6 (Control or without any fertilizers). All observations were recorded at 30, 45 and 60 days after sowing (DAS). The results shows that the highest value of plant heigh (20.16, 29.77 and 44.69 cm), number of leaves plant-1 (12.07, 21.57 and 37.82), leaf width (4.83, 4.91 and 8.58 cm), leaf length (9.48, 22.10 and 23.24 cm), length of petiole (6.56, 9.27 and 10.89 cm), dry and fresh weight (4.49, 9.32 and 19.59 g) were recorded with the application of T5 (100% RDF) which was significant over T1 (75% RDF + 25% RDF through VC) and T2 (75% RDF + 25% RDF through FYM) and at par with T3 (50% RDF + 50% RDF through VC) at 30, 45 and 60 DAS. Similarly maximum yield (95.87, 95.48 and 90.20 q ha-1) was recorded with the application of T5 (100% RDF) which was significant over T1 (75% RDF + 25% RDF through VC) and T2 (75% RDF + 25% RDF (FYM) and at par with T3 (50% RDF + 50% RDF Vermicompost). Application of T3 (50% RDF + 50% RDF through VC) was also found significant over T4 (50% RDF + 50% RDF through FYM), T1 (75% RDF + 25% RDF through VC) and T2 (75% RDF + 25% RDF through FYM) with the values of 94.84, 94.00 and 88.77 q ha-1 at 30, 45 and 60 DAS. Among all treatment application of T3 (50% RDF + 50% RDF through VC) gave maximum yield which not only increase yield but also save cost of 50% RDF. Therefore, organic and inorganic fertilization may have a significant positive impact on the growth and yield of Palak.

Keywords: Recommended doses of fertilizers (RDF), vermicompost (VC), farmyard manure (FYM), integrated nutrient management (INM)

How to Cite

Vishwakarma , M., & Chauhan , M. V. R. (2023). The Impact of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth and Yield of Palak (Indian Spinach). International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 35(20), 763–772.


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